Real-Ease with Karlie McKeand

Ep 12 - What Affects Our Success

Karlie McKeand

In this episode, we discover the keys to enhancing your client’s success with Emotional Release Technique. Are you interested in helping your clients overcome self-sabotage, resistance, and the procrastination that stems from a deep-seated fear of change? Learn effective strategies to help clients break free from these barriers, understand the powerful role of language in ERT, and how to support behavioural changes for lasting growth and success.

Are you a practitioner interested in ERT? Learn more about my
Emotion Release Technique™ Certification, practitioner training and upcoming workshops, or join my online Mastermind Bust your Business blocks with ERT.

Book an appointment now to learn more about how Emotional Release Technique™ can help you create real ease and support the release of emotional blocks and stress-related issues.

Keep in touch with me on Facebook at Karlie McKeand Natural Health Clinic and Emotional Release Technique or on Instagram @emotionalreleasetechnique.